comet goldfish

Can You Be The Next Comet Gold Fish Owner?

When I was a kid, I had always dreamed of having a pet comet gold fish. Well, now that I am older and know better, I want to be the next comet gold fish owner! Not only are they incredibly beautiful, but they are actually fairly easy to take care of.

If you’re a fan of a comet gold fish like me, keep reading. Because in this article, I am going to cover a lot of interesting facts about comet gold fish. Let’s talk about how to properly care for your comet gold fish!

What Does A Comet Goldfish Look Like?

how does comet goldfish look like

Comet Goldfish is a long-finned variety of fancy goldfish. They have a streamlined body shape, but their caudal fins have a widespread. A comet’s tail can be long and pointed, or rounded and broad.

Appearance & Varieties

Comet fish come in many different colors and varieties. The most common color is orange with blue or red highlights on the tail, back, and fins. Blue comets are also common as well as reds with black markings on their heads and bodies.

There are also other varieties such as black comets that have no blue or red in their bodies at all; this is known as a jet black variety. The most valuable type of comet is called ‘Ranchu’ which has a very unique look with its breeding lines being used for centuries to create this unique tail shape that gives it its name.

Where Do Comet Goldfish Come From?

Comet goldfish are native to Eastern Asia and have been kept by humans for over a thousand years. They are one of the most popular varieties of goldfish kept in aquariums, and they were bred for their unusual appearance. They are thought to have been developed by the Song Dynasty (960–1279) and have been popular in Japan since the Edo period (1603–1868).

How Much Do Comet Goldfish Cost?

Comet goldfish are relatively inexpensive. You can buy them at pet stores, aquarium shops, and online. Comet goldfish usually cost between $0.5 and $10 depending on the size of the fish and whether you buy them from a pet store or breeder.

How Big Do Comet Goldfish Get?

Comet Gold Fish is a relatively small type of goldfish, usually weighing less than 1.5kg (3lb). The average size of a comet goldfish is between 5 to 10 inches. But These fish can grow up to 12 inches if they’re kept in an aquarium with enough space for them to swim around freely.

How Long Do Comet Goldfish Live?

The average life span of a comet goldfish is about 7 years. However, some can live up to 12 years. It depends on the care and diet these fish receive.

Typical Behavior & Temperament Of A Comet Goldfish

comet goldfish behavior and temperament

Comets are active swimmers who enjoy swimming around their tanks at night. They tend to be more active at night than during the day, so they might not be as noticeable during the day when you look into your tank. You will also see them puffing up their bodies when they get excited or frightened. This is called “shimmying”, and it helps protect them from predators because it makes them look bigger than they are. They will eat any food that they can find, including pellets and flakes, but they prefer live foods such as worms, insects, and small crustaceans.

Comets tend to be peaceful fish that get along well with other types of fish in an aquarium environment. However, they may become aggressive if they feel threatened by another species or if there isn’t enough space for them to move freely around the tank.

If you decide to keep comet gold fish in your home aquarium, it’s best if you start out with only one or two individuals so as not to overcrowd the tank or cause too much competition for food sources between multiple comet goldfish specimens.

Will Comet Goldfish Eat Other Fish?

As I said earlier, Comet goldfish are known to be very active. And this has led some people to believe that they will eat other fish. However, in most cases, this is not true. Comet goldfish generally only eat algae and other small aquatic plants. They can live with many other fish species without any problem.

How To Identify Male And Female Comet Goldfish?

The differences between male and female comet goldfish are as follows:

  1. Male Comet Goldfish have longer dorsal fins than females;
  2. Male Comet Goldfish have shorter bodies than females;
  3. Male Comet Goldfish have larger heads than females;
  4. Male Comet Goldfish have more pronounced lateral lines than females;
  5. Males also tend to develop more color on their heads (especially reds), whereas females develop more color on their backs.

How To Take Care Of Comet Goldfish?

Can You Keep Goldfish In A Fish Tank?

comet goldfish behavior and temperament

Comet goldfish can be kept in a fish tank, as long as you keep a few things in mind:

The first thing to consider is that comet gold fish are more susceptible than other varieties of goldfish to diseases, especially if the water quality isn’t good. The second thing is that they don’t do well with cold water, so it’s best not to keep them in a tank that’s too cool. This means that if you live in an area where the temperature drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 Celsius) during the winter months, you should move your comet goldfish indoors until spring arrives.

So if you can take care of all these things then there should be no problem in keeping comet goldfish in your fish tank.

Tank Size

comet goldfish tank

Comet goldfish can be kept in a tank that is at least 10 gallons, although 20 gallons would be better for one or two fish. A larger tank is needed if there are more than two fish present. They also need a lot of room to swim around and move about freely, so try not to overcrowd your tank with other species of fish or plants. This can cause stress on the comet’s fins and cause them to flare out more often than usual.

Water Parameters

It is important that you know what water parameters are ideal for your Comet goldfish before buying them so that they can thrive in their new home. Here are some guidelines on what water parameters you should maintain:

  • Comet Goldfish Aquarium Water pH Level: 6 – 7 (neutral)
  • Comet Goldfish Aquarium Temperature: 65 – 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 – 24 degrees Celsius)
  • Comet Goldfish Aquarium Water Hardness: 5 – 20 dGH

Tank Mates

Comets are generally peaceful fish that get along well with other types of goldfish and other community tank mates. But some can be aggressive toward other fish, so it’s important to choose the right tank mate for your comet.

Here are some fish that make good comet companions:

1-Fantail Goldfish

Fantails are known for their beautiful flowing tails that make them look like they’re always swimming forward no matter which way they’re facing! The fantail’s unique tail also makes it a great choice as a comet goldfish companion because it will give your comet something to chase around and play with. Fantail goldfish are very peaceful and easy to care for, but still have the sparkle and coloration of a more exotic type of goldfish. They are also relatively disease resistant and don’t grow too large (around 2-3 inches).

2- Ryukin Goldfish

The Ryukin is a very popular breed of goldfish, and they make great companions for Comets. These fish are beautiful and come in many colors, but their colors tend to fade with age so they’re not as vibrant as other breeds. However, Ryukin’s personality more than makes up for it! They have a very gentle temperament, making them ideal for families with young children or other pets. These fish are also very active swimmers, so they need at least 10 gallons of water per fish (15 gallons is preferable).

3- Black Moor Goldfish

Black moors have a black body with orange patches on their head, face, back, and tail fin. They’re not as colorful as some other types of fancy goldfish, but they do grow quite large (around 4-6 inches) so you’ll need to keep an eye out for any signs of illness or injury when they’re young (before they become fully grown).

4- Oranda Goldfish

Oranda goldfish are also known as lion head goldfish or dwarf lion head. They have long flowing fins, giving them the appearance of a lion’s mane, hence their name. They are an excellent choice for keeping with a comet or shubunkin goldfish because they have similar personalities and requirements for care. Orandas make great companions for comets because they come in different colors, which means you can have some variety in your aquarium without having to buy multiple tanks.

5- Fancy Guppy

The fancy guppy comes in many different colors with unique patterns and markings that make it stand out from other guppies. Their smaller size makes them a good companion for comets since they will not outgrow them quickly, unlike the common guppy which can reach up to six inches long when fully grown (though most only grow half that size). The fancy guppy is hardy enough to handle the same temperatures as comet goldfish, so it can live comfortably in either cold water or warm water conditions.

6- Rosy Barbs

These are beautiful, colorful fish that are compatible with comet goldfish. They grow to be about 3 inches long and live up to 2 years. The rosy barbs have a pinkish body with black stripes and fins that are colored red and white. They can live in freshwater tanks as well as brackish water tanks.

7- Danios

Danios are fast-swimming fish that have an iridescent sheen on their bodies and fins. They are easy to care for because they do not require much space or food. These fish make great tank mates for comet goldfish because they do not require much space or food, so you won’t have any trouble finding a tank where these two types of fish can live together peacefully without fighting for territory or food.

What To Include Inside The Tank?

If you want your comet goldfish to be happy then there are certain things that you should definitely include in your tank:

  1. Aquarium Filter
  2. Aquarium Heater
  3. Plants
  4. Live Rocks And Other Hiding Places
  5. A Good Lighting System
  6. Water Conditioner
  7. A Suitable Substrate Or Gravel

Food and Diet

goldfish feeding 1

There are several types of food you should give to your comet goldfish on a daily basis. These include:

1- Flakes And Pellets

The first type of food you should give your comet goldfish is flakes and pellets. This is a staple and will be the main part of their diet. They are a good source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. The downside to this type of food is that it can lead to overfeeding because they are very easy to eat and their small mouths mean it takes them less time to eat them than other types of food. You should try to only feed them once or twice a day, as they will overeat if you give them more than that.

2- Live Food

Frozen live food is another great choice when it comes to feeding your comet goldfish. They contain proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for the survival of any fish species. Some examples include bloodworms, mosquito larvae, and brine shrimp which can be found at most pet stores or online shops like Amazon. The downside with live foods is that they are harder to find in stores compared to dry food so if you want some variety then this might not be the best option for you.

3- Freeze-Dried Bloodworms

Bloodworms are great treats for your Comet Goldfish because they contain high amounts of protein that will help your fish grow fast and strong. They also have other nutrients like iron, copper, and vitamin B12 which are essential for your fish’s health. You can buy freeze-dried bloodworms from a pet store or online site like Amazon.

4- Vegetables And Fruit

Comet goldfish are omnivores and they love their veggies. You can feed them a variety of vegetables like carrots, cucumber, and peas. You can also give them fruits like strawberries, bananas, and blueberries.

Potential Diseases That Can Be Found In Comet Goldfish

comet goldfish diseases

Your comet goldfish can be prone to many potential diseases if not properly cared for:

1- Fin Rot

Fin rot is a common disease in freshwater aquarium fish, especially goldfish. It is caused by bacteria that infect the fins, usually due to poor water quality. The bacteria are usually spread from one fish to another, so it’s essential to keep your tank clean and avoid overcrowding.

2- Swim Bladder Disorder

Swim bladder disorder can cause your comet goldfish to float upside down or sideways, and sometimes even sink to the bottom of its tank. This happens because the swim bladder has become inflamed and enlarged, making it harder for the fish to control its buoyancy. Swim bladder disorder is usually caused by poor diet or overfeeding, but it can also be brought on by stress due to tankmates or bad water quality.

3- Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich)

This is a common disease that affects many different types of fish, including comet goldfish. Ich is a parasite that enters the fish’s body through the gills and then attaches itself to the skin or gill tissue. The fish will start to scratch at its body, rubbing against objects in its tank and sometimes even on the glass of its tank. This scratching can lead to open sores or ulcers on the body, which can become infected with other types of bacteria if not treated quickly.

4- Trichodina

Trichodina is another common parasite that can affect your comet goldfish. This parasite causes skin flukes on the body of the fish where it attaches itself using its mouthparts. Trichodina can be difficult to treat because there are so many species of it, but one common treatment involves using an antibiotic called metronidazole twice a day for five days in an aquarium at room temperature as well as adding medication containing formalin into the water once per week for four weeks.

5- Mongenean trematodes (Flukes)

Flukes are flatworms that live on the skin of the comet goldfish and suck blood from them. They can be difficult to see with the naked eye and often appear as small white specks that move around on the fish’s body. Flukes can also cause open sores or wounds on your goldfish’s skin where they attach themselves. If left untreated, these sores may become infected and require antibiotics to clear up.

6- Learnea spp (Anchor worms)

These are parasitic nematodes that infect the skin of goldfish by burrowing into the body tissue under the skin layer and causing irritation and swelling in the area where they attach themselves to feed on blood vessels under the skin surface. They are often found around the base of fins, on gill covers, or around a goldfish’s mouth area where they feed on blood vessels under the skin surface near these areas. Infected fish will have patches of missing scales where these parasites have burrowed into their bodies to feed off them for long periods of time until enough damage has been done by them to kill the fish off eventually from starvation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Comet Goldfish Live With Betta Fish?

 The short answer is no, there are many reasons why they can’t live together.

  1. Comet Goldfish are aggressive fish and will bully Betta fish to death.
  2. Comet Goldfish are larger than Bettas, so they will eat them.
  3. Comet Goldfish need more space than Bettas need, so they won’t be happy in the same tank as a Betta fish.
  4. Comet Goldfish require more frequent water changes than Bettas do, so their water quality is likely to suffer when kept with a Betta fish in the same tank.
  5. Comet Goldfish prefer colder water temperatures than Bettas do, so keeping them together may result in your Betta getting sick from the temperature change.

Can Comet Goldfish Eat Tropical Fish Food?

Yes, comet goldfish can eat tropical fish food. However, they are much more adapted to eating flake or pelletized fish food than live food.

Many goldfish enthusiasts believe that it is better to feed goldfish pellets and flakes instead of live food because it is more nutritious and less likely to cause intestinal problems.

How Often To Feed Comet Goldfish?

You shouldn’t overfeed your fish because this can lead to bloating or constipation which may result in death if left untreated. Feeding them once or twice a day is sufficient if they are getting enough nutrition from live plants and algae wafers that sink to the bottom of your tank (which they typically do). If there aren’t enough nutrients at the bottom, try feeding them more often than twice a day. 

Are Comet Goldfish Feeder Fish?

Comet goldfish are not considered to be good feeder fish even though people still use them as feeder fish. They are not ideal due to their slow growth rate. They are also extremely sensitive and will not tolerate repeated handling or being spawned.

Where To Buy Comet Goldfish?

Comet goldfish can be purchased from:

You can find comet goldfish at many different kinds of pet stores, including large chain stores such as PetSmart® or Petco® and smaller local independent stores. Some pet stores sell only certain types of fish while others sell a wide variety of aquatic animals.

Few Final Words

There are a lot of decisions you have to make, and some are major. But you can start with less and go from there to see what level of commitment works for you. Eventually, if it’s meant to be, you’ll find your way to keeping and training comet gold fish or any other variety.

Up until now, we’ve covered what a comet goldfish is and the general care that you need to give it as an owner. Now, you just need to pick which kind of comet gold fish you want. We hope that we’ve helped you with your choice, and that your new pet will be well taken care of.