bubble eye fish

Bubble Eye Fish: Care, Size, Lifespan, And More

If you are a new fish keeper or thinking of adding bubble eye fish to your aquarium or you have already bought one, then you are at the right place. I will tell you everything about Bubble Eye Goldfish from its care and feeding requirements to common health problems and its lifespan that you need to know before buying.

Although these fish are extremely beautiful but not all fish keepers can easily maintain this eye-catching species. Still, I will do my best to share all the information with you that you need to look after your bubble eye fish. So let’s get started.

Bubble Eye Fish Appearance & Varieties

bubble eye fish picture 2

Bubble eye fish is one of the most beautiful and unique members of the cichlid family. They can be found in both fresh and saltwater aquariums, but are more commonly seen as a freshwater pets. The bubble eye fish has a unique physical appearance that sets them apart from other cichlids.

The bubble eye itself is located on the side of the fish’s face. The eyes themselves sit atop a large bulge of tissue that extends outward from the head and looks like an extra pair of eyes (hence where they get their name). This bulge can grow to be quite large and add even more personality to your fish! There are many different varieties available, including various colors and fin types. In some varieties of bubble eye fish, there may be more than two small eyespots.

Bubble Eye Fish Price

The price of Bubble Eye Fish varies depending on the quality, size, and location. You can purchase one at around $3 – $10 from pet stores or online retailers.

The best place to find them is at an aquarium or pet store where they sell them by the dozen or more. If you want to save money, try looking online or at auction sites where some people sell their unwanted pets for cheap prices.

Bubble Eye Fish Lifespan

The lifespan of the bubble eye fish depends on how well cared for it is by its owner and how often it’s fed. If well taken care of, this species can live up to 10-15 years in captivity!

Bubble Eye Goldfish Facts

Here are a few interesting bubble eye goldfish facts that you might find amusing:

  • The bubble eye fish got its name because of its large eyes which appear to have bubbles growing out of them.
  • They are found in the waters of China, Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia.
  • These fishes have many dangerous predators such as pike, sharks, and other carnivorous animals which make them vulnerable to extinction if they fail to adapt quickly enough to their environment when faced with new conditions that may be detrimental to their survival as a species.
  • They are very hardy fishes who can withstand temperature changes but do not thrive well in cold water or cold environments for long periods of time.
  • This fish has been kept as an ornamental pet since the 1950s and has become very popular in recent years, especially among aquarists who keep large tanks or “ponds” for stocking with other types of fish.
  • The bubble eye cichlid prefers well-planted tanks with lots of hiding places; however, if you lack live plants then fake ones will do just fine.

Bubble Eye Goldfish Care Guide

bubble eye fish picture

There are a few factors that directly affect the bubble eye goldfish care process. A few of them are mentioned below:

1- Behavior & Temperament

Bubble eye fish are generally peaceful towards other tank mates but can be aggressive towards other bubble eyes in the same tank. They are extremely active during the day and require an aquarium with plenty of swimming room to swim around in order to keep them happy and healthy.

As I mentioned earlier, the best way to keep your bubble eye healthy is to provide it with a large tank with plenty of hiding spots for when they get tired from swimming so much during the day!

2- Water Parameters

Bubble eyes are from areas of Africa where the water is quite hard and alkaline (pH 6-8). The water temperature should be between 70°F and 80°F and the specific gravity should be 1.005-1.010 (1.020-1.025).

If you don’t have access to this type of water, then you can make use of a reverse osmosis unit or deionizer to achieve these parameters in your tank’s water supply instead of using regular tap water straight out of the faucet like most people do when they set up their aquariums.

3- Tank Size

Bubble Eye Goldfish are medium-sized fish that can grow up to 8 inches in length. A 10-gallon tank is a minimum size for one bubble eye goldfish. A larger tank is recommended for a pair or trio of these fish, but even then you should be prepared for them to grow quite large over time. They are also very sensitive to water quality and need plenty of swimming room to reduce the risk of injury due to fin damage.

4- Setting Up Bubble Eye Fish Tank

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while setting up your bubble eye fish tank:

Tip No.1

Find the right tank size. The minimum tank size for bubble eyes is 10 gallons and recommended is 20 gallons.

Tip No.2

Use a sand substrate for the bottom of the tank. Sand is not necessary for these fish but it does help with their digestion and keeps them from jumping out of the water. It also gives them something to dig in and clean as well as provides them with shelter if they choose to burrow under it.

Tip No.3

Choose the right filter and make sure it’s strong enough to handle the amount of waste produced by your fish, but not so strong that it disturbs them or causes water movement to be too strong.

A hang-on-the-back filter might be a good choice because you can adjust its flow rate easily. If possible, choose a canister filter instead of a hang-on-the-back filter as these tend to create less disturbance for your fish since they’re located away from them (not directly under their swimming area).

Tip No.4

Add plants for decoration and oxygenation purposes. Java ferns are an excellent choice for such tanks since they don’t require much light and are very easy to grow in an aquarium environment! Other good choices include java moss (Vesicularia dubyana) and Anubias barteri var. nana (Anubias nana).

Tip No.5

Add some rocks or driftwood for hiding spots and places for your Bubble Eye Fish to lay eggs if you have females in your tank, but be careful not to use too much because this will take up space in your tank that could be used by other things like sand or plants or even another fish! You should make sure there are no sharp edges on any rocks or wood pieces before adding them to your tank.

Tip No.6

Use only dechlorinated tap water, distilled water, or reverse osmosis water with an appropriate addition of salt or other ions to make up for any deficiencies in ionic balance that may exist in your local water supply. A good rule of thumb is 4 drops of aquarium salt per gallon (8 drops per 5 liters). This gives your fish what they need to thrive.

If you don’t know what concentration of salt is best, ask an experienced fishkeeper who works at your local pet store or drop me a message in the comment section I will do my best to help you.

5- Food & Diet

In general, the diet of a bubble eye fish consists of vegetables, live foods, and commercial foods. They are omnivores and will eat just about anything they can get their teeth into.

Some of my favorite foods for Pop Eye fish include:

  • Spinach Leaves
  • Bloodworms
  • Brine Shrimp (25-50 micron)
  • Flakes (flaked or pellet)
  • Freeze Dried Krill and/or Mysis Shrimp (for bigger bubble eyes)

Bubble Eye Goldfish Tank Mates

buble eye fish tank mates

The Bubble Eye Goldfish will do well with other tank mates if they are introduced slowly and carefully. You should avoid introducing any fish that are larger than your Bubble Eye Goldfish because they may become aggressive. When choosing tank mates, it’s best to choose ones that have a similar size and shape as your Bubble Eye Goldfish. The following are some great choices:

1- Chinese Algae Eater

The Chinese algae eater is a great tank mate for the bubble eye goldfish because it can help control algae growth in your aquarium. However, you should keep a close eye on these fish as they may occasionally nip at your fancy goldfish’s fins or eat their food.

2- Corydoras

Corydoras are small catfish that are native to South America and come in many different colors and patterns. They are very peaceful and like to hide during the day, so they make great companions for your bubble eye goldfish.

3- Ghost Shrimp

Ghost shrimp are one of the best choices for aquariums with fancy goldfish e.g. bubble eye fish. Because they’re very hardy and don’t require much care at all! They’re also great at cleaning up leftover food from the bottom of your tank and help keep it clean by eating any excess algae that grow there. Unfortunately, ghost shrimp aren’t too great at eating live plants or fish food pellets, so make sure you feed them frozen foods every once in a while (such as bloodworms).

4- Guppies

Guppies are one of the most popular fish to keep in a fancy goldfish (Bubble Eye Fish) tank, and they’re also one of the best companions for your bubble eye. They’re very hardy and fast-growing, so they’ll survive quite well in a bowl or tank with your bubble eyes.

5- Platies

Platies are another popular option for tanks with bubble eyes. They’re also very hardy and fast-growing, so they can live together in a small tank quite well. For this reason, they make great companions for any bubble eye goldfish that is too big for its current environment (such as a bowl). In fact, platies are even known to help clean up after other fish! They just might be the perfect addition to your bubble eye goldfish tank!

Common Bubble Eye Fish Disease

bubble eye fish disease

1- Bubble Eye Disease

Bubble eye disease is caused by a parasite, Aeromonas hydrophila. This parasite is a gram-negative bacteria that infects the skin of the fish and causes lesions to form on the skin. The lesions can be found on the head, around the mouth and gills, or on other parts of the body. The symptoms of this disease are redness of the skin and raised bumps on it, which may also be accompanied by white spots.

2- Hexamita (fish tapeworm)

Hexamita is a parasite that causes damage to the liver, spleen, and intestine. It can also cause death. The fish are infected by eating food contaminated with feces containing the parasite. In addition, if a female fish has been infected with Hexamita and lays eggs that are not properly cleaned by the parents, the eggs will become infected. The infection can spread quickly in an aquarium and kill all fish in the tank within 2-3 weeks if left untreated.

3- Oodinium (velvet)

Oodinium is a protozoan parasite that causes a velvet-like external growth on your fish that can eventually lead to death if left untreated. The disease does not affect the internal organs but infects the skin and scales, causing them to become thickened and discolored as well as lose their protective layer of slime coating which leaves them vulnerable to other bacterial infections such as fin rot or fin fungus.

Symptoms include clamped fins, lethargic behavior, and unusual dark patches on the body which may be mistaken for fungus or algae at first glance but are actually caused by oodinium parasites eating away at your fish’s outer layer of protective slime coating until it resembles velvet fabric or felt made out of fine threads.

4- Oodinium Fungus

Oodinium is a protozoan parasite that can be fatal to your fish if left untreated. It first attacks the gills, causing them to become red and swollen and eventually clog up the mouth and nostrils of your fish. It then spreads throughout the body via the blood vessels, causing damage to internal organs such as kidneys and liver. The symptoms of oodinium are cloudy eyes and skin that is pale or covered with white spots.

5- Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis (ich)

Ich is another common parasite that can affect your betta fish. It’s caused by a protozoan parasite called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, which attacks the skin of your betta and causes small white dots on their bodies and fins. The spots look like salt grains or sand on their bodies and fins, and they may have red streaks running across them as well. These parasites are transmitted through close contact with other infected fish such as cichlids or guppies.

6- Fin Rot

Fin rot can be a common problem in bubble eye fish. The fins are the most delicate area of the body and can easily be damaged by other fish or by rough handling when cleaning the tank, for example. When fin rot occurs, it usually starts off as a small tear in the fin or fin ray. This will begin to heal on its own, but if left untreated, it can develop into a hole or tear that goes right through the fin or even down to the bone itself. If this happens, it could lead to serious bacterial infections and even death.

7- Dropsy (bloat)

Dropsy is caused by an accumulation of fluid around the internal organs and cavities within the fish’s body cavity (body mass). It also affects their internal organs, causing them to swell up as if they had been filled with water (hence its name). Dropsy can be caused by bacterial infections and parasites such as anchor worm larvae (Lernea species).

8- Swim Bladder Disease

Swim bladder disease can also affect your bubble eye fish and cause them to float upside down at the surface of their tank due to an inability to control their buoyancy properly. This may be caused by injury or some sort of physical deformity that prevents them from controlling their buoyancy properly. In rare cases, it may also be caused by an infection that affects their swim bladder, causing it to swell up with gas bubbles until they cannot sink anymore and are forced to float at the top of their tank.

Can I Keep Bubble Eye In Fish Bowl?

bubble eye fish in fish bowl

The answer is yes. But you need to be careful while keeping it in a fish bowl. The minimum tank size for keeping a bubble eye is 10 gallons, but ideally, the tank should be at least 20 gallons.

Pop Eye Fish are very active and like swimming around the tank, so they need enough space to swim freely in the water. If you have a smaller aquarium where these fish cannot swim freely, then it will not be healthy for them.

Why Does a Bubble Eye Goldfish Have the Bubble?

The answer is simple, because of genetic mutation. A genetic mutation occurs when there’s some kind of mistake in the DNA code during cell division, which causes an alteration in the organism’s traits. In this case, the gene for eye development was mutated, resulting in abnormally large eyes that have no pigment or eyelids. This deformity is present at birth and does not affect the fish’s health in any way. The deformity can be passed down from one generation of fish to another.

What To Do If Bubble Eye Fish Popped?

bubble eye fish popped

If your bubble eye fish popped, don’t panic. The eye bubble will heal and regrow in a few days or weeks depending on the severity of the injury.

If the pop is small, it might just be a minor tear and not a big deal. If there’s a hole in the bubble that looks like it goes all the way through, then you may have to treat it as an open wound.

The best thing to do is keep the water clean and healthy so your Pop Eye Fish will be strong enough to heal itself without any help from you.

If your fish can’t seem to swim properly or if it’s bumping into things constantly, then there could be an infection in its gills or mouth that needs treatment with antibiotics or salt baths.

Wrapping Up

 I hope that you have enjoyed reading about bubble eye fish. I have tried my best to cover all the important aspects of bubble eye fish. If you would like to comment and share any info or advice you have please do so below. Thanks for stopping by!