aquarium heater

Does Betta Fish Need A Heater?

So you are looking to buy a new betta fish or you already own it and you are wondering, does betta fish need a heater? One thing is for sure, to keep these lovely creatures healthy and alive, you need to manage the environment in which they live. Hence, it is also important to know how to choose an aquarium heater so that your tank stays at a comfortable temperature.

The following article will help you decide whether you should buy a heater for your betta fish tank, and teach you a few interesting tips to keep your betta fish happy.

Understanding The Natural Environment Of A Betta Fish

wild betta fish

Betta fish are native to Thailand and other parts of Southeast Asia, where they typically live in rice paddies and slow-moving streams. The fish requires a tropical environment, which means that it prefers warm temperatures. The average temperature for a betta fish is between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (75-82°F). However, this can vary depending on whether you have an aquarium or a fishbowl.

Just to let you know, bettas prefer smaller tanks with plants and rocks for hiding places and open space for swimming. You should also keep your tank away from direct sunlight because this can be harmful to your betta’s skin.

If you have decided to buy a betta fish but live in an area where the temperature drops below 65 degrees Fahrenheit in winter, then then you should also consider buying an aquarium heater to raise the temperature inside your tank. We will discuss it in detail later in this article.

What’s The Ideal Aquarium Temperature For Betta Fish?

Betta fish require a specific water temperature to live healthily in captivity. The ideal temperature for a betta tank is between 76°F and 82°F (24°C and 28°C). Betta fish cannot tolerate water below 65°F or above 84°F (15°C-29°C) for long periods of time. If you have a tank with a heater, it is best to keep the temperature at 76°F (24°C).

Does Betta Fish Need A Heater?

does betta fish need a heater

Yes, betta fish need an aquarium heater. As you know aquarium heaters can be used to regulate the temperature of your aquarium so it’s within the correct range for your pet fish. Betta fish thrive in tropical conditions, but if you live in a place where their natural habitat is not available year-round (for example, if you live in a cooler climate), then you will need to provide them with artificial heat sources for the winter months or your home isn’t heated properly during winter months.

How Important Is A Heater For Bettas?

The importance of an aquarium heater can never be neglected for a betta tank. It can help you keep your Bettas alive. The temperature of the water is very important for your Betta fish because if it is too cold, then it will not be able to survive.

However, if the water is too hot, then your Betta might also suffer from some health problems. This is why it is important for you to buy an aquarium heater for your betta fish tank so that you can make sure that your Betta has its own comfortable environment in which it can live happily.

How Long Will A Betta Survive Without A Heater?

A healthy betta can survive for approximately 2 weeks in water that is below 70°F (20°C). The lower limit for a healthy betta is 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature falls below this, death will occur within 24 hours.

Similarly, betta can survive for a few weeks in water that is above 86°F. If the limit goes as high as 90°F, death will occur within a few hours.

What Happens If Water Is Too Cold For Betta Fish?

Betta fish can not regulate their body temperature on their own. They are cold-blooded animals, they absorb heat from their surroundings. So they need an external heat source in order to survive.

If your water is too cold the fish will become lethargic, it may even stop eating or refuse to eat at all. The fish might also have difficulty swimming because of the lack of oxygen in the tank.

Different Types Of Aquarium Heaters

Aquarium heaters come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can be categorized in the following category types:

1- Submersible Aquarium Heaters

submersible aquarium heater

Submersible heaters are designed to be placed inside the water and submerged underwater. These heaters can be used in both freshwater and saltwater tanks, although there are some exceptions.

Submersible aquarium heaters are easy to use and install. All you need to do is place them in your fish tank and turn them on. You won’t have to worry about setting timers or worrying about adjusting the temperature at different times throughout the day because these devices will automatically control the temperature for you. The best part about this is that all you need is electricity; there’s no need for any other equipment or accessories such as thermometers or timers.

The biggest downside to submersible aquarium heaters is that they can fail if they’re not properly maintained or used with certain types of fish tanks. Specifically, you shouldn’t use submersible aquarium heaters with saltwater fish tanks because saltwater can corrode the heating element over time. A better option for saltwater fish tanks is an external heater with a glass or metal casing that prevents corrosion from occurring between the heater and the water.

2- External Aquarium Heaters

external aquarium heater

External heaters sit outside of the tank, usually on top of it. They use a fan to circulate air around them, which then heats up as it passes through coils inside the heater itself. These are usually better suited for larger aquariums, where there is more surface area for heat exchange between air and water to occur.

They are safer for fish than internal ones. Because these heaters are outside of your tank, they cannot be damaged by chemicals or other substances that may be harmful to fish.

They are easier to install and use than internal ones. External aquarium heaters do not require any special tools or skills to install properly, unlike their internal counterparts, which require professional installation by a qualified technician with specialized knowledge about aquariums and how they work.

The only problem they have is that they’re more expensive than other heating options and they take up space in your aquarium cabinet. The real question is whether or not these factors outweigh the benefits they provide.

3- Immersive Aquarium Heaters

immersive aquarium heater

Immersive aquarium heaters are designed to sit outside of the water in an air pocket above the water line so they don’t disturb your aquarium’s ecosystem. These heaters have fans inside them that circulate warm air into your tank, which keeps it at a steady temperature without disturbing any of its inhabitants or adding chemicals to their environment.

Immersive aquarium heaters are very cost-efficient and they have a built-in thermostat to regulate the temperature in the tank. They are easy to install and maintain. You just need to place it inside your fish tank and plug it in, and you are good to go!

The only problem immersive aquarium heaters have is that they tend to get hot after running for long periods of time, which can be dangerous for your fish. The best way to solve this problem is by placing a small fan next to the heater to cool it down before it overheats the water in your tank.

4- Substrate Aquarium Heaters

substrate aquarium heater

Substrate heaters are designed to be placed on the bottom of the tank, under the substrate, and away from the water. These heaters are generally used in saltwater tanks or tanks with poor circulation.

Substrate aquarium heaters don’t require any special equipment to work properly, so they’re easy to use and maintain. they can be placed directly under the gravel in your aquarium, which means that they won’t take up much space or block the view of your fish. Since they don’t require any electricity to run, they’re safer than other heating methods like power strips or heat lamps.

The only problem it has is that You can only use this type of heater if you have an aquarium with a bottom layer of sand or gravel. If you don’t have one yet, you’ll need to set up a new one before using this type of heater. otherwise, it won’t work correctly.

How Do I Choose a Good Heater for my Betta Fish?

As there are many different types of aquarium heaters available on the market today. Some are made specifically for betta fish and others are not. The most important thing to consider when buying an aquarium heater for your betta is wattage. You need to choose one that has enough wattage to heat your tank but not so much that it will overheat and cause damage to your fish or even yourself if you happen to touch it.

A good rule of thumb is that 3-5 watts per gallon of tank water should be sufficient for heating purposes. If you decide to go with a smaller wattage than this, you might want to consider using two smaller heaters instead of one large one in order to make sure there will be enough heat generated by both of them combined.

Another thing you need to look at when choosing an aquarium heater is how easy it is going to be for you to use and monitor it on a daily basis. There are some models out there that don’t provide any type of indicator lights for when they get too hot or too cold so you’ll need to measure the heat manually. So make sure to consider all these things before buying an aquarium heater.

5 Best Heaters for Betta Tank

  1. Hugger Submersible Aquarium Heater (See price on Amazon)
  2. Fluval Submersible Aquarium Heater (See the price on Amazon)
  3. Marineland Stealth Evo Aquarium Heater (See price on Amazon)
  4. Finnex Digital Touch (See price on Amazon)
  5. Cobalt Aquatics 31000 Neo-Therm Heater (See price on Amazon)

How to Heat a Betta Tank Without an Aquarium Heater?

There are a few things that will help you keep your aquarium heated without a heater:

1- Keeping The Tank Covered

The first step in keeping your betta tank warm is making sure it’s covered with a lid or hood that prevents any drafts from entering the water and cooling down the temperature of your tank. Even when you’re not home, try to leave a light on in your room so that it won’t get too cold at night while you’re sleeping, which can cause temperatures in the tank to drop dramatically overnight if there’s no cover on top of it.

2- Add Heat Mats To Your Tank

If you don’t want to close off your betta’s tank, you can add a heat mat to your aquarium instead. A heat mat will help keep your betta warm by raising the temperature of water in his tank by just 3 degrees Fahrenheit (1.6 degrees Celsius), which is just enough to keep him alive but not enough to stress him out too much or cause any harm to his fins or scales.

3- A Little Sunlight

If you live somewhere that gets quite cold during the winter months, then it’s possible for you to keep your betta alive without an aquarium heater by allowing him to bask in the sunlight whenever it’s available. Of course, this isn’t always possible if your house is located in an area where there isn’t much sunlight throughout the year. But if you do have access to some light in your home, then this should work well enough when combined with the other.

4- Use a Smaller Tank

Another way to keep your tank warm is by using a smaller tank instead of a larger one. You’ll need to change the water more often, but this is much easier than heating an entire large tank of water every day or two. Plus, you’ll save money on electricity bills!

Wrapping Up

Betta fish is the only tropical fish that does not like to be in the cold surrounding. This is because it is difficult to adapt to their body temperature in the colder surrounding. You can maintain the ideal tank temperature of your betta and can give them a good living environment if you take note of the ideal tank temperatures for betta fish. Hence, you can keep your betta fish healthy as well as they live longer when it is kept at the ideal tank temperature. I hope this article has answered your question “does betta fish need a heater”.