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How To Own A Betta Fish Plant Vase Without Abusing Your Fish

There are a lot of people out there who keep betta fish in small vases with a plant. They argue that this is the natural way to do things (and it is perfectly acceptable for a betta to be kept this way). However, most of these people were doing so because they didn’t know any better. Nowadays, however, we have many more options available to us when it comes to keeping our bettas healthy and happy.

This article will explain why this practice is so harmful and why you shouldn’t be doing it yourself and still somehow you want to do this then how you can do it properly.

An Overview Of Betta Fish And Their Natural Habitat

wild betta fish

Betta fish (Betta splendens) are beautiful and fascinating. They’re also easy to care for, which makes them an ideal pet for the novice aquarist.

Betta fish are native to the rice paddies of Thailand and Cambodia, where they live in small pools of water among the plants. Their natural habitat is warm and moist with lots of vegetation, so it’s important to mimic this environment as closely as possible when setting up your home aquarium.

These colorful little fish come in a dazzling array of colors, from reds and yellows to blues and greens. Some even display two different colors on their body at once. Betta fish are very territorial and aggressive to their own species. If you want to keep multiple male bettas together in a single aquarium, it is best to add them at different times so that they do not fight each other immediately upon introduction.

Because betta fish prefer warm waters and lots of oxygenation, they should be kept in an aquarium that is roomy enough for them to swim comfortably but not so big that they might become stressed by the size. A 5-gallon tank will usually suffice for a single betta fish, while 10 gallons is recommended if you plan on adding other species into the same environment.

Can A Betta Fish Live In A Vase With A Plant?

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The short answer is No, a betta fish cannot live in a vase. The longer answer is that it depends on your definition of ‘live’. If you mean ‘survive’ then yes, they can survive for some time in a small amount of water. But if you mean to thrive and be happy then no, they cannot do that in a vase.

There are a lot of people out there who keep betta fish in small vases with a plant. They will argue that this is the ‘natural’ way to do things and that it is perfectly acceptable for a betta to be kept this way. However, there is a difference between a rich, wild ecosystem and a vase at home.

The fact is that most people who keep their bettas in vases are doing so because they don’t know any better.

Should I Keep My Betta in A Vase?

There are many arguments for keeping a betta fish in a vase. Some people say that it is the best way to have a healthy and happy betta fish. Those people may have never had an actual betta in their lives, or they are just completely ignorant of the fact that there are other types of aquariums.

The first reason why you should not keep your betta in a vase is that it is cruel. The fish will spend its entire life in a small container that can only be cleaned once every few weeks or months (if you’re lucky). It’s almost impossible to keep this up without killing the fish, so if you’ve ever seen someone claim that they do this with their bettas successfully, then they are lying or misleading you into thinking that it’s possible for them to keep their poor little fish alive and healthy for long periods of time.

There is also another reason why you should not keep your betta in a vase: it’s illegal to keep pets in a small container! In most states (including mine), it is illegal. So make sure to research before buying a betta fish plant vase.

Why Betta Fish Plant Vase Doesn’t Work?

betta fish plant vase

Bettas need lots of hiding spaces and water movement in order to thrive, but they cannot get either of these things from the tiny vases that many people keep them in. The stagnant water will only harm your pet and cause him/her to become ill very quickly if he/she has been exposed to it for too long.

Another reason is that betta fish occasionally return to the surface of the water because this is where they get oxygen from the air above the water surface when they breathe through their gills. If there is no open space above water level then your betta will be unable to get oxygen when it needs it most and this may cause suffocation and death of your betta fish.

How to Care For Betta Fish in A Plant Vase?

The best way to keep a betta fish is in a proper aquarium. That way, you can give your fish the right environment and make sure that it has everything it needs to stay healthy.

However, If you still want to keep your betta fish in a plant vase, even though it is morally wrong, then the following are a few things that you should I always keep in mind in order to make your betta fish happy in a small plant vase:

1- Choose The Largest Vase

A betta plant vase is not just for decoration but also for your betta’s health. You will need to choose a large betta plant vase so that it has enough space for your betta to swim around and not feel cramped in his new home. The larger the vase, the better it is because your pet will have more room to swim around freely without bumping into the sides or lid of its cage too often.

2- Change The Vase Water Regularly

Make sure that you change the water of your vase at least once a week to keep it clean and fresh. You can use aquarium salt (only if it isn’t harmful to the vase plant) to remove harmful chemicals from the water. The salt can also help keep your betta healthy. You should always use distilled water when filling up the vase with fresh water. Make sure that it is not too cold or too hot for your betta as this can shock or even kill him/her.

3- Keep The Vase Clean

One of the most common reasons why your betta may get sick is due to poor water quality. That’s why it’s important for you to regularly clean your vase so that it doesn’t become dirty or contaminated with bacteria or viruses from unfiltered tap water or from other sources like your hands when changing the tank’s water or cleaning it out with soap and hot water (which can kill beneficial bacteria).

4- Keep The Vase Plants Healthy

You need to make sure that your plant is healthy enough so it can provide a better environment for your betta fish. This includes keeping the leaves clean, removing dead leaves, trimming plants if needed, etc. If you have more than one plant in your vase then make sure that they do not compete for nutrients as this will cause problems for both plants and fish alike.

5- Feed Your Betta With A Varied And Optimal Diet

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when feeding their bettas is that they only feed them pellets or flakes. These are not a good source of nutrition for your betta fish. Your betta fish needs a varied diet that includes live or frozen blood worms and brine shrimp, as well as fresh vegetables such as zucchini, cucumber, and lettuce. You may also try feeding them with finely chopped garlic once in a while too!

6- Regularly Monitor Your Betta’s Health

Betta fish are delicate creatures so it’s important to check them regularly for any signs of illness such as red patches on their bodies, cloudy eyes, or sunken bellies. If you notice any of these symptoms then take your betta fish to the vet immediately. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to keeping your fish healthy.

What Kind Of Plant For Betta Fish Vase?

There are a number of plants that can be used in a betta fish vase. However, there are some conditions that need to be considered before making a decision about what type of plant to use. The most important consideration is whether or not the plant requires soil for its roots or if it can grow in water. The following is a list of some of the best plants for betta fish vase:

1- Anubias Nanas

anubias nanas vase plant

Anubias Nana is the best plant for betta fish vase as it is an easy-to-grow plant that will live in low-light conditions and thrive in a small container. It’s also pretty cheap, so if you’re just starting out with plants, this is a good place to start. They don’t take up much space and they grow quickly, so it won’t be long before they’re covering the sides of your vase!

2- Water Hyacinth

water hyacinth vase plant

Water hyacinth is a very popular plant for vases because of its ability to grow quickly, even in water with low levels of nutrients. It can be used as a cover for your betta fish vase and will provide shade for your betta fish. The downside is that this plant can grow so big that it will take up the entire tank and may require trimming every few weeks.

3- Water Sprite

water sprite vase plant

Water sprite is one of the easiest plants to grow in your Betta fish vase because it has no roots and only needs to be submerged in water once every week or two for a few minutes at most. It’s also easy to cut off pieces from the main stem if you want to make more plants from one stem (just make sure they’re no longer than 2-3 cm long). If you want to grow this plant outside of water, place them in a plastic bag filled with water until roots form on the stems (this usually takes about two weeks). If you want an even easier option, simply place the stems in the soil and let them root there!

4- Anacharis

anacharis vase plant

Anacharis is another great option for betta fish vases; it grows well in low-light conditions and provides homes for small fish like neon tetras. This plant also helps keep nitrates down in your tank by absorbing them from the water column, but it’s not as effective as water hyacinth when it comes to this job.

5- Pothos

pothos vase plant

Pothos is one of the most popular plants used in vases and fish bowls because it is so easy to maintain and it doesn’t have any special requirements for growing. This plant does not require soil for its roots and will thrive in water alone, which makes it perfect for use in a betta fish vase. You can even trim this plant and make new cuttings from the original so you don’t have to worry about keeping up with it too much. This makes pothos an ideal choice for those who want something that won’t take up too much time or effort when caring for it, but still looks great!

6- Java Moss

java moss vase plant

Java moss is another excellent choice for a betta fish plant vase because it grows very quickly and doesn’t require much care at all! You can even buy it at most pet stores if you don’t have time to grow it yourself! This particular type of moss prefers cooler temperatures so make sure that your betta fish doesn’t get too hot before adding this plant to its home!

Where To Buy Betta Fish Plant Vase?

You can find these beautiful betta fish vases at most pet stores or online stores. The price will vary depending on the size and materials used to make them. The best place to buy betta fish plant vases is on Amazon, as you can find many different styles and sizes. They are also very affordable and come with free shipping.

The one I found was made of 100% glass and had a beautiful peach color to it. It has a small opening at the top so you can place your betta inside of it for display purposes, but there is no lid on this particular vase so if you have an aggressive fish, it will probably try to jump out of it if given the chance!

Betta Fish Plant Vase: Few Final Words

Here are some of the most critical points you’ve read so far: Bettas are beautiful and graceful fish, but they only thrive in a container with plenty of space and hiding places. You’ll want to make sure that betta has enough room to swim around in your tank.

Be careful when choosing the size of the tank for your betta; if you choose an undersized tank, he or she may feel suffocated and stressed out by being cramped inside. Many people opt for a smaller but deeper water bowl because they think this will give their fish more room to swim around, but this is actually one of the worst things you could do for them. so always err on the side of caution when deciding how deep a bowl should be for your betta.