why is my neon tetra shaking

Why Is My Neon Tetra Shaking?

Why is my neon tetra shaking? It sounds like a simple question, but it’s actually quite complex. Neon Tetras are amazing fish and can do a lot of different tricks. But there are many reasons why your neon tetra might be shaking. This blog is going to go over 8 reasons why your neon tetra is shaking.

10 Reasons Why Your Neon Tetra Is Shaking

There can be several reasons why your neon tetra fish is shaking. A few of them are mentioned below:

1- Not Enough Oxygen

One of the most common reasons that fish shake is because there isn’t enough oxygen in the water. If you have a small tank, it can be hard to keep it properly aerated. You may need a larger filter or more frequent water changes. If you have an aquarium with plants, you’ll also want to make sure that you don’t overfeed the fish, which can cause more waste products and less oxygen for fish to breathe.

Aquarium heaters can be another source of poor oxygen in an aquarium, especially if they are not working properly or are improperly sized for your tank size.

2- Tetra Fish Water Quality Issues

If you have a fish that is shaking, it could be a sign of water quality issues. You need to test the water in your tank to make sure that the nitrates, ammonia, and pH levels are all at safe levels. If they are not, then you will need to perform some kind of water change.

3- Injury

Sometimes neon tetras shake due to injury. If your fish has been injured during shipping or by another fish in the tank, it can become stressed and develop a condition called “shimmying.” This is characterized by a rapid, continuous shaking of the body that produces a shimmering effect. It can also be caused by other types of injuries, such as fin nipping or constipation. If your fish has developed shimmying after being moved from one tank to another, check to see if any of its fins are torn or damaged and treat it accordingly.

4- Nitrate Toxicity

unclean dirty fish tank

High nitrate levels in the water can cause Neons to exhibit symptoms of stress and shaking. These symptoms include a loss of appetite and erratic swimming, but they can also lead to death if not corrected. To prevent nitrate toxicity, make sure you are performing regular water changes to remove excess nitrates from your aquarium. You should also use an aquarium filter and make sure it will remove excess waste from the water at a rapid rate.

5- Stress

In an aquarium that is too small or poorly maintained, your fish will experience stress. Stress can be caused by poor water quality, too many other fish in the tank, high temperatures, and lack of food. If you notice your neon tetra shaking its head or swimming erratically, try these tips to help it:

1- Place the tank in a quiet location away from direct sunlight and drafts where it will not be disturbed by people or other pets. This will reduce any stress caused by changes in light intensity and temperature fluctuations.

2- Clean the tank thoroughly with water treated with aquarium salt once per week to remove harmful bacteria and parasites that may be causing illness in your fish (the addition of salt to tap water isn’t necessary unless you’re adding live plants).

3- Feed your fish only as much food as they can eat within two minutes; overfeeding can lead to bloating or intestinal blockage which makes them more susceptible to disease and death.

6- Sudden Temperature Fluctuation

neon tetras in fish tank

Tetras prefer warmer temperatures than most tropical fish. They do not tolerate temperature fluctuations well at all. A sudden change in temperature will stress your fish and can cause them to become ill with disease or die. It is best to keep your tetras in a tank with a consistent temperature between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (21-26 Celsius). If you have a heater and thermometer, make sure the temperature does not fluctuate more than 2 degrees (1 centigrade) each day.

7- Due To Hunger

If your tetra is hungry, he may be shaking because he wants more food! Feeding your fish too little will cause them stress and make them more prone to illness and disease. You should always feed your fish enough food so they never go hungry. Most community fish only need three small meals per day at most and some only need two small meals per day!

8- Constipation

Another reason why a neon tetra may be shaking is because of constipation. This can happen when there isn’t enough fiber in their diet or when they don’t move around enough during feeding time. The first thing to do is add more fiber into their diet by feeding them more live food such as bloodworms and brine shrimp. If this doesn’t work, try changing their diet and adding some vegetable matter into it like lettuce leaves or spinach leaves.

9- Addition Of New Fish To The Tank

neon tetra

They get scared when they see a larger fish that is unfamiliar to them. They may also be scared if there is more than one new fish added to the tank at one time. It’s best to introduce your neon tetra slowly and gradually so that it can become accustomed to its new home and surroundings.

In order for you to make sure your neon tetra is happy in its new environment, you need to do several things:

1- Add only one new fish at a time. You should wait at least three weeks between each addition so that your neon tetra can get used to its new surroundings.

2- Don’t overfeed or overstock your tank. Overfeeding or overcrowding will make your neon tetras stressed out, which will make them more susceptible to disease or illness.

10- Sudden Change In Diet

A sudden change in diet can also stress out a Neon Tetra, making it appear as though it is shaking. The fish’s body will tremble or shiver, but the fins will remain still. The shaking is usually brief, and the fish may return to normal within minutes. It’s best to avoid making sudden changes to your Neon Tetra’s food, however, as this could be stressful for it.

If you have recently fed your Neon Tetra a new food and it starts shaking, try feeding it its usual fare again. If it continues to do so after eating its normal food, then there might be some other reason.

Final Advice

If your fish has been shaking and you aren’t sure what’s going on, a good rule of thumb is to find a trusted local aquarium or pet store that can take a look at your fish. In fact, if you’ve been noticing any changes in behavior, it’s always safest to have a professional take a look at it to ensure everything is as it should be.