neon tetras in wild

Why Do Neon Tetras Live Longer In The Wild?

Why do neon tetras live longer in the wild? This is a question that many aquarists ask themselves when they decide to purchase a new neon tetra. The answer is quite simple “Neon tetras can live as long as healthy food sources and clean water”. These are the two most important elements that determine how long your pet fish will last. There are some other reasons as well which we will discuss later in this article.

Where Do Neon Tetras Live In The Wild?

Neon tetras live in the wild all over the world, including in the Western and Northern Amazon Basin in Colombia. These fish are found in fast-flowing waters with low pH levels, which is why they are often found near streams and rivers. This makes them perfect for people who want to keep a healthy aquarium.

Neon tetras prefer water temperatures between 68°F and 82°F. They also need clean, well-oxygenated water with a pH level of around 4 to 7.

Why Do Neon Tetras Live Longer In The Wild?

Here are the most common reasons why neon tetras can survive longer in the wild as compared to an aquarium.

1- Food Is Fresh And Varied

The fish may live long in the wild because they have access to a wider variety of food. In captivity, neon tetra’s diet consists mostly of flake food and frozen foods. When these fish are fed this type of diet, they tend to get sick more often and die earlier than fish who are given a natural diet.

In the wild, neon tetras feed on small fish and worms. They are also known to eat small insects and snails. In addition, they will scavenge for dead animals that have been exposed to floods or storms. Some species even eat fruit flies that fall into the water during summertime rains

2- Less Stress

neon tetras in a fish tank

One reason why neon tetras live longer in the wild is that they have less stress than aquariums. In a natural environment, there are predators, but not enough of them to make the fish feel threatened. In the aquarium, however, there are too many fish for this to be true.

In addition to being smaller than other fish and having a different coloring pattern, neon tetras also have a very different diet from other fish. They eat mostly insects and plankton in nature. This makes them easier to find food sources than other species that may need more specific foods like algae or meaty foods. This helps reduce their stress level as compared to an aquarium.

3- Stronger Immune System

Neon tetras have a very strong immune system, which helps them survive in the wild. They are not inbred like most aquarium fish and don’t have a lot of genetic diversity. This means that if the neon tetra population becomes too small, there won’t be enough young fish to repopulate it.

Neon tetras also have a very high reproductive rate, which means that they can easily spread over large areas of water. This makes them more likely to become invasive species in new areas as well as making it harder for people to keep them under control by culling them.

4- Physiological Factors

 A variety of physiological factors may be responsible for the longer life span of neon tetras in the wild. Neon tetras are immune to many common diseases that plague other fish, and they have a very short generation time. These two factors allow them to live longer than other species of freshwater fish.

5- Lots Of Excercise

In the wild, they get lots of exercises. The faster you swim and the more turns you make, the more oxygen you use. So if your fish is swimming around all day, he’s not using up as much oxygen like a fish who swims for 2 minutes every hour or so.

Most of the time, neon tetras are kept in bowls that are about 4 inches deep and about 8 inches wide. The fish are swimming around in the water, which keeps them healthy and happy. They get exercise by swimming up to the surface of the water and diving down to get food.

What Do Neon Tetras Eat In The Wild?

live fish food

Follow are the things that wild neon tetras prefer to eat. 

1- Plants

They are omnivores in the wild, taking advantage of whatever is available at the time. They eat algae, protozoa, small invertebrates, and vegetable matter (such as lettuce, spinach, and other leafy greens). They also enjoy eating tiny crustaceans, shrimp, and fish.

2- Worms

In the wild, neon tetras eat worms as well. The worms they prefer are small, so they can be easily swallowed whole.

3- Insects

In the wild, neon tetras are typically found near plants where they can find insects to eat.

4- Brine Shrimp

They also eat brine shrimp. Brine shrimp is a type of crustacean that is usually found in saltwater tanks. The neon tetra loves to eat brine shrimp because it’s a good source of protein for them (they have very small stomachs).

How Long Do Neon Tetras Live In Captivity?

Neon tetras can live for 5- 8 years in captivity. Because they are quite hardy fish that is easy to keep and care for. They are also very active fish, so they will love to be kept in an aquarium with lots of plants and other decorations. But this lifespan is quite less as compared to wild neon tetras.

Why Do Neon Tetras Die So Easily?

neon tetra school

Here are a few of the most common reasons why neon tetras die so easily

1- Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases are the most common cause of death in neon tetras and other aquarium fish. Infectious diseases can be caused by bacteria, protozoa, or viruses. Infections can be divided into two main types: primary and secondary. Primary infections occur when an organism enters a host without causing any harm to it first. Secondary infection happens when an organism has already entered the body but is no longer able to survive there because of some external factor such as antibiotics, weak immune systems, etc…

2- Improper Water Quality

Improper water quality is the second leading cause of neon tetra death, after infectious diseases. Improper water quality can be caused by many factors such as overcrowding, poor filtration, toxic algae growths, and much more.

3- Human Mishandling

Neons are very sensitive to human interaction. They need daily handling and attention from their owners, especially as they get older. If neonates are depressed or stressed by the lack of care, they may not eat well and could die because of starvation or dehydration.

4- Parasites

The neon tetra is a hardy fish, but it can get sick. If your fish has white spots on their body or fins and they seem to be getting worse over time, you should take them to the vet right away. White spot disease is caused by a microscopic parasite that causes the disease. It’s highly contagious and affects both freshwater and marine aquariums. The parasite will eventually kill your fish if they are not treated quickly with medication. In addition, some types of flukes attack fish as well; these are parasites that infect the gills or intestines of freshwater fish.

5- Ammonia Shock

This is a common problem and can be corrected easily. It usually occurs when the fish are stressed, such as being moved from one tank to another or moved from a high ammonia source to a low ammonia source (the act of moving them could cause stress in itself).

Few Final Words

Neon tetras live longer in the wild, not only because they’re not stressed by competition but because they are able to eat better food. They are herbivores, which means that their diet should be mainly plant-based. They will live longer if they can get access to healthy plants. In aquariums, it’s often difficult for them to get access to vegetables, so their lifespan is greatly reduced in comparison to those that live in the wild where there are no obstacles for them to prevent them from eating well.