Mosquito Larvae

Why Do Goldfish Eat Mosquito Larvae?

While you may be tempted to feed insects to your goldfish, you have to remember that they need specific ingredients in their diet. If the food they eat doesn’t contain those ingredients, they will not thrive. Goldfish are omnivores, meaning that they eat both meat and plants.

In the wild, if you see them devouring plant matter or insects, it’s because they are scavenging for nutrients that make up their normal diet. Even in captivity, if you see them nibbling on live plants in a tank or going after non-food items such as pebbles or gravel, it means there is something missing from their diet… But do goldfish really eat mosquito larvae? So let’s find out!

What Are Mosquito Larvae?

Mosquito larvae are the latest stage of a mosquito’s life cycle. They are tiny, translucent worms that live in water and breathe through their skin. They are usually found in shallow pools of standing water like puddles and ditches. They’re not interested in going into deeper water because they can’t swim against strong currents as well as adult mosquitoes can.

Mosquito larvae look similar to tadpoles or minnows when they’re small, but they grow quickly into pupae while progressing through four stages: egg, larva (or wigglers), pupa (or tumblers), then adult fly (or adults). In most cases, the eggs hatch into wigglers, the first stage of mosquito life, and begin swimming around right away.

Why Do Goldfish Eat Mosquito Larvae?

goldfish open mouth

There are many reasons why you might want your goldfish to eat mosquito larvae:

1- Instinctive Behavior

Goldfish are omnivores. They eat fish, plants, and other animals that they come across. They are also known to eat mosquito larvae. This is part of their instinctive behavior. The goldfish’s digestive system is very sensitive. It does not take much for its digestive system to be affected by water changes or other factors that can cause ammonia levels to rise in the tank.

When the ammonia level rises, it damages the gills and fins of the fish which leads to death. This is why goldfish eat mosquito larvae as a way of protecting themselves from ammonia poisoning caused by their own waste products.

2- Rich Source Of Protein

Goldfish need protein in order to survive and thrive. A lot of their food comes from the water, but they also eat insects that live on the bottom of the tank. Mosquito larvae are an excellent source of protein for your goldfish because they contain all the necessary amino acids that your fish needs to grow healthy and strong.

It helps them fight off disease. Goldfish are prone to diseases such as pneumonia or fin rot, so having this kind of food available in their tank will help protect them from getting sick in the first place. It’s also good for preventing any infections from existing bacteria that might be on the surface of their skin or in their digestive system.

3- Easy To Catch And Digest

Mosquito larvae are easy to catch and swallow. They’re also small enough that goldfish can easily digest them. In addition, mosquito larvae don’t cause any harm to goldfish when they’re eaten.

4- Just Because It’s There

Goldfish are often seen eating mosquito larvae because they just happen to be there and sometimes they are attracted by the smell or taste. You may have seen a goldfish eating mosquito larvae while you were out in your pond. This is a good indicator that your goldfish is healthy and eating properly. 

Are Mosquito Larvae Dangerous For Goldfish?

Mosquito larvae are not dangerous for goldfish. They are not toxic, harmful, or poisonous to them. They may even be good for your goldfish! Goldfish need live food that is rich in proteins and fats to stay healthy and strong. Mosquito larvae are both a good source of protein and fat for your fish.

However, if you have an aquarium with a lot of mosquito larvae swimming around it can be hard to spot the difference between them and other types of insects such as water striders (aquatic insects), midges (insects), or fairy shrimp (aquatic crustaceans).

What Are The Benefits Of Feeding Goldfish With Mosquito Larvae?

The benefits of feeding goldfish with mosquito larvae are many.

1- First, they’re high in protein and vitamins, making them an excellent food source for your pet.

2- They’re also easy to feed because you don’t have to worry about cutting up any veggies or cooking anything; just toss in the live larvae and watch as your fish gobble them right up!

3- Furthermore, mosquito larvae are inexpensive. A pack of 75g will only cost you $15-$20 on Amazon.

4- Finally, since they’re freeze-dried (and not alive), there’s no need to worry about spoilage. you can store them indefinitely until you need them!

Can You Produce Mosquito Larvae At Home?

mosquito larvae at home

You can produce mosquito larvae at home by finding stagnant water and leaving it to sit for a few days but it’s not recommended. It’s better to purchase them from pet stores or online, but if you want your goldfish to eat them on their own, you can cultivate them yourself.

In Which Forms Mosquito Larvae Are Available In The Market?

Mosquito larvae are available in the form of dry and frozen products. Dry mosquito larvae are available in the form of a powder or a pellet. They are also sold in the form of granules, which can be added to water. Mosquito larvae may also be found as part of commercial fish food, such as goldfish and koi food.

How Often Should You Feed Your Goldfish With Mosquito Larvae?

white goldfish feeding

There are a few things to keep in mind when feeding your goldfish with mosquito larvae.

First, don’t overfeed them! Feeding too much will cause them to be sick and stop eating, so only feed enough that they can all eat the food within a couple of minutes.

Second, make sure you are using high-quality mosquito larvae from a reputable source (like from our online store!) because there is no telling what pesticides or other contaminants might be on the larva if it came from who-knows-where.

Third, make sure you are using fresh water every time you add new food for your fish! If any old food is left over at the bottom of the tank after feeding time is over, then it will start to rot and could give off bad odors which can make your goldfish sick. which we definitely don’t want!

Do Comet Goldfish Eat Mosquito Larvae?

Yes, Comet goldfish are omnivores and will eat mosquito larvae. However, don’t feed them too much because they have a tendency to overeat, especially if you’re not around to watch over them. If you notice your comet goldfish has eaten more mosquito larvae than they should have, take the excess food away and make sure they don’t get any more until the next feeding time comes around again.

If your comet is hungry or looking for something to eat after that first feeding, give it some live brine shrimp (the kind sold in pet stores). Brine shrimp have a high protein content and contain no nutritional value whatsoever, so if you give your comet this snack along with its regular diet of mosquito larvae every once in a while it shouldn’t cause any problems for either party involved!

Will Feeder Goldfish Eat Mosquito Larvae?

As you might have guessed, feeder goldfish and pet goldfish are not the same. Feeder goldfish are bred specifically to be eaten by other fish, while pet goldfish are raised for their beauty and companionship. However, this does not mean that feeder goldfish will never eat mosquito larvae or anything else that floats in front of them. Many people raise their own supply of feeder fish strictly for use as food for larger tanks or ponds with predatory fish like koi or largemouth bass and they feed their feeder fish with larvae.

Feeders may also be fed supplemental foods such as mosquito larvae when they are young (before they grow too big) so that they grow large enough to catch on their own in a short period of time instead of taking months/years like it would take them naturally.

Which Other Fish Eat Mosquito Larvae?

Here is the list of other fish that love to eat mosquito larvae:

  1. Koi Carp
  2. Mosquito Fish
  3. Golden Orfe
  4. Minnows
  5. Guppies
  6. Common Pleco

What Other Food You Can Feed Your Goldfish?

aquarium fish food variety

Besides mosquito larvae, you can also feed your goldfish with:

  • Bloodworms
  • Brine Shrimp
  • Daphnia
  • Fish Flakes
  • Earthworms


Adding mosquito larvae to your goldfish’s diet will help them live longer and keep them active. You can either get mosquito larvae from a market or grow them at home with the help of some containers and dry food. However, if you decide to go for the second option, remember that you’ll need to be careful about feeding the larvae because they tend to die off quickly in small containers. We suggest keeping another tank where you can grow enough larvae for your goldfish.