neon blue rasboras

The Ultimate Guide to Neon Blue Rasboras

Rasboras are one of the most popular freshwater fish in aquariums, due to their active and playful nature. They also require a small amount of space and don’t need too much attention from their caretakers, which makes them a great choice for beginners.

This article will explain how to care for these fish and provide you with a few tips to look after your neon blue rasboras.

Why Are Neon Blue Rasboras Important?

The neon blue rasbora can be one of the most important fish in the aquarium hobby. They are usually found in brackish water, but they can also be found in freshwater. This type of fish has been bred for many years and has been used as a food source for many types of fish.

They are also very beautiful and have a unique coloration which makes them quite desirable for collectors. These fish come from all over the world and can be found in Asia, North America, South America, Africa, and Europe. These fish have been known to live longer and they are very hardy and can survive any type of climate condition.

This species is very easy to keep and usually does not have any problems provided that it receives good care from its owner. They are known for being peaceful creatures and do not bother other animals in the tank with them, which makes them perfect additions to community tanks.

Neon Blue Rasboras Size

neon blue rasboras size lisfespan price

Neon Blue Rasboras are pretty small fish, with the males growing to be about 1 inch long and the females growing to about 1.5 inches long.

Neon Blue Rasboras Lifespan

Generally speaking, Neon Blue Rasboras live for about 3 years in captivity, but they can certainly live longer if kept properly.

Neon Blue Rasboras Price

Because they are very common in the aquarium hobby, Depending upon a few factors, Neon Blue Rasboras will cost you anywhere between $1 and $2 per fish.

Neon Blue Rasbora Tank Size

neon blue rasboras tank size

Neon Blue Rasboras are quite peaceful and non-demanding fish, so they can live well in any tank. If you want to keep them healthy and happy, always provide them with a spacious tank.

Most fish have no problem in smaller tanks, but neon blue rasboras will be stressed out and not happy in too small of a tank. The minimum size of the tank they need is 10 gallons (40 liters) if you want to keep only several rasboras. For a shoal of ten rasboras at least 10 gallons tank is necessary. However, for even bigger shoals, put them in a 15 to 20 gallons fish tank.

How Do Neon Blue Rasboras Behave In New Fish Tank?

Neon blue rasbora is a very peaceful fish and it is also quite timid. Neon blue rasbora tend to be shy when you first introduce them to the tank.

It can be kept alone or in groups of five or more. But keep in mind if you keep them alone, they will become shy and will hide most of the time as I said earlier.

On the other hand, if you want to keep neon blue rasbora in a group, you will be able to see their real colors and beauty. It is a very lively schooling fish. You can keep neon blue rasbora in a community tank with other non-aggressive fish. However, it should not be kept in a tank with other large and aggressive fish, as the Neon Blue Rasbora can be intimidated by them.

Neon Blue Rasbora will feel comfortable in the planted tank with plenty of free swimming space. It is not necessary to have live plants but It is recommended to add some green plants to make Neon Blue Rasbora feel more secure.

Neon Blue Rasboras Behavior Towards Other Fish

Neon Blue Rasboras are peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful species. So, If you already have other fish in your tank, they will likely be fine with the Neon Blue Rasboras, as long as they are not too aggressive towards neon blue rasboras and can tolerate similar water conditions as them.

If you have decided to keep Neon Blue Rasboras with other species, it is a good idea to introduce them at the same time and do monitor their behavior for any signs of aggression.

Is Neon Blue Rasboras Schooling Fish? If So, What Is The School Size?

Yes, neon blue rasboras are schooling fish. And it’s better to keep them in groups of 5 or more. They prefer living in groups as this makes them feel safe and comfortable.

Do Rasboras And Neon Tetras Get Along?

neon tetra with neon blue rasbora

Yes, The Rasboras and Neon Tetras can live together in the same fish tank. Both species are peaceful toward other fish and will not harm them unless they are a threat to their territory.

I have had a school of 12 Rasboras with 5 Neon Tetras as well as another school of 8 Rasboras with 4 Neon Tetras. In both tanks, there was no Bullying or Aggression from either group towards each other, which is great!

Neon Blue Rasbora Care

Even though neon blue rasboras are easy to care for but still there are a few things that you should keep in mind:

1- Neon Blue Rasboras Fish Tank Requirements

If you’re interested in keeping these fish in your aquarium, you need to make sure that your tank is ready for them. There are some considerations that you should keep in mind when preparing for your new fish.

pH Level

These fish like to live in soft water that has a slightly acidic pH balance of 6.0 to 7.0. So make sure that the water stays at this pH level.


As tropical fish, Neon Blue Rasboras thrive in warmer water conditions. A temperature range of 74 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for these fish, but they can tolerate temperatures as low as 70 degrees as long as they have a warm spot within the tank to swim over to if they get cold.


For lighting, any good-quality fluorescent light will work fine. And if you can afford it, you should also have a light timer, which turns the lights on and off at set times.

2- Neon Blue Rasboras Tank Mates

As mentioned earlier, neon blue rasbora is a peaceful omnivore and will do well in most community aquariums. They should not be kept with larger, more aggressive fish.

But there are other fish species that do well with them:

  • Danios, including glowlights, leopard danios, pearl danios, and zebra danios
  • Tetras, including black neon tetras, Buenos Aires tetras, bloodfin tetras, and neon tetras
  • Pencilfish
  • Killifish
  • Bumblebee gobies
  • Guppies

3- Neon Blue Rasboras Diet

when feeding neon blue rasboras, it is highly important that you feed them the right amount of food. The right amount of food depends on many factors such as the size of the tank and the number of neon blue rasboras in it.

Food Type

The neon blue rasbora is an omnivore and will eat both animal and plant matter. In the wild, they feed on a wide variety of foods, including small insects and other zooplankton. They are not picky eaters in the aquarium, and will readily accept most flake and pellet foods.

You should feed your neon blue rasboras good quality flake food or commercial fish pellets that contain high levels of protein. Feed the fish twice a day (once in the morning and once in the evening), with enough food to last them about two minutes per feeding.

Feeding Time

The best time to feed neon blue rasboras is during the evening, as this is when they are most active. But some also suggest that the best time to feed them is in the morning and the afternoon. So at the end of the day, It’s your own choice. If you want, You can use a feeding schedule.

How Much Food?

If your neon blue rasboras don’t get enough food, then they will suffer and become weak. But if you give them more than they need, then it will affect the water quality.

So once you have figured out how much food your rasboras will eat in around 2 minutes, then that’s the amount of food you should be feeding them. And always remove the leftover food from the tank as this will prevent these leftovers from rotting and causing damage to your fish and tank.

4- Breeding Neon Blue Rasboras

Neon Blue Rasbora are easy to breed. The only thing you need to do is to make sure the water conditions are perfect.

You should first prepare the water and maintain the temperature of the water between 76 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. You need to have a pH level of 6.0-7.5, and a hardness level between 4-15 dGH. The Neon Blue Rasbora will breed if they have a lot of places to hide, so you should use plants that can create caves and plenty of rocks. Also, make sure your tank is not too crowded with fish, as this will cause stress on your Neon Blue Rasbora.

Once you have prepared your tank for breeding Neon Blue Rasbora, you should start feeding your fish live foods such as bloodworms or brine shrimp. It is important that the female Neon Blue Rasbora does not get too skinny from producing eggs or she may die during childbirth.

Common Neon Blue Rasbora Diseases

Neon blue rasbora are generally in good health and easy to care for, but they can occasionally be affected by diseases. All aquariums, no matter how well maintained, are liable to experience an outbreak of disease at some point. Fish who are stressed by overcrowding or poor water quality are particularly susceptible to illness, but the risk is ever-present.

If you think your fish is sick, quarantine them immediately in a separate aquarium in case the disease is contagious. If you can identify the cause of the problem, purchase medication from your local fish store to treat it. Medicating the main tank is usually not effective and may harm the biological filter or any invertebrates present.

While Neon Blue Rasboras are relatively hardy fish, they are also susceptible to a number of typical tropical fish diseases.

Here is a list of the most common diseases affecting neon blue rasboras:

  • Fin rot
  • Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
  • Bacterial gill disease

1- Fin Rot

It is one of the most common diseases that affect Neon Blue Rasboras. Fin rot can easily be diagnosed by looking at your Neon Blue Rasbora’s tail fin. If this fin is frayed or has darkened edges, then your Neon Blue Rasbora probably has fin rot.

This disease usually occurs when a Neon Blue Rasbora’s environment is unclean and their fins get damaged from rubbing against rocks or other decorations. The damage caused by this rubbing allows bacteria to enter the fins and cause rot.

Fortunately, fin rot is easy to cure if you act promptly. Clean the water of your tank as soon as you notice the signs of fin rot and treat it with antibacterial medication. Your fish should recover in a few days after you start treatment.

2- Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich)

Ich or Ichthyophthirius is a common parasite found in aquariums. It is a white spot disease caused by protozoa that attach themselves to the fish’s skin and gills. If untreated it can lead to death but is easy to treat with medication. The most obvious symptoms are small white spots on the body and fins of your fish. They also may scratch against gravel or rocks in the tank and appear lethargic, floating at the top of the tank or gasping for air.

3- Bacterial Gill

Bacterial gill diseases generally begin as fungal infections caused by poor water quality conditions and spread out of control when the fish are stressed from overcrowding, high nitrates, ammonia, or other chemical contaminants in the water. This results in an infection of the gills that causes gasping, weight loss, and lethargy.

Final Thoughts

Neon Blue Rasboras fish are a good addition to any aquarium. They will thrive in any dedicated aquarium if you keep them healthy and stable. Just some light research on setting up the tank with the proper environment for neon blue rasbora will help you get a successful experience with this beautiful and interesting fish.