fish tank water

Distilled Vs Purified Water For Fish Tank?

If you are a fish lover, then you know how difficult it is to maintain a healthy aquarium. You need to be mindful of the condition of your fish tank and make sure that your fish thrive and live in an environment where they are safe from any harm or disease. The water inside your fish tank also plays a crucial role in maintaining its health as well as keeping it clean. But there is a lot of information about water on the internet and honestly, sometimes it is quite overwhelming. In this article, we will try to figure out which water type is best for fish tanks.

What Is Purified Water?

Purified water is water that has been treated to remove all minerals and contaminants. It is often used in medical applications, such as in dialysis machines or kidney transplant surgery, but it can also be useful in fish tanks because it’s free of potentially harmful substances.

What Is Distilled Water?

Distilled Water is known to be a type of purified water that has been taken through a process called distillation. Distillation is defined as the process of separating volatile substances from solutions by heating. This results in their vaporization and collection, or it can be used to remove impurities from a liquid by boiling away the unwanted parts and condensing them into a separate container.

Distilled water is used for many purposes; one of the most common uses for distilled water is in car batteries that use pure acid instead of pre-mixed fluids you find at any auto parts store. Distilled water in general has many uses; there are some who drink only distilled water due to health reasons while others choose to use it because they think it tastes better than tap or faucet-filtered tap water (which isn’t always true).

Difference Between Purified And Distilled Water

Distilled water is purer than purified water because it has been passed through an extra distillation process.

Purified water is typically treated by reverse osmosis (RO), which removes dissolved solids like calcium and magnesium. The resulting product is called demineralized or deionized water.

However, some people prefer to use purified rather than distilled water in their fish tanks because they don’t want to waste all of the minerals that are removed during the distillation process.

Is Purified Water Good For Fish Tank?

purified fish tank water

Purified water is not a good option to use in your fish tank because it lacks important minerals and nutrients that fish need. Purified water may also be too clean (oxygen-depleted), which can stress your fish and cause them to develop health issues.

You should only consider using purified water if you are remineralizing it or using a natural filtration system like the Marineland Aquarium Filters. If you do use purified water, it’s important to keep an eye on the pH levels of your tank – this will keep everything balanced and prevent any problems from arising.

Can I Use Distilled Water For Aquarium?

fish tank water change

We’re going to be honest: distilled water is not ideal for aquariums.

It’s important to remember that what you put into your fish tank will affect how it performs. If you don’t want to mess with too many chemicals and additives, spring water may be the best solution for your aquarium needs.

Distilled water lacks minerals and bacteria, which are essential components of any aquarium environment. These minerals and bacteria provide nutrients for fish and help maintain a healthy ecosystem within your tank. A lack of these elements could result in unhealthy plants or algae growth on top of rocks or other surfaces within your tank; this can cause dangerous issues such as poor oxygen levels or low pH levels (which could lead to dead fish).

How To Purify Water For Fish Tank?

Here is what you need to do:

1- First, you need to fill the tank with water.

2- Next, you need to add the carbon filter or the charcoal filter in order to purify it.

3- Then, you can add a few drops of aquarium salt into your tank to make it more suitable for fish. This is optional, but it will make your fish happy and healthy!

4- Now that everything is ready, you can add some plants into your fish tank as decor.

Note: Plants are very important because they help in keeping the water clean by absorbing impurities and toxins from the water. They help in aeration as well as providing food for beneficial bacteria that help improve water quality by removing ammonia from water(depending on what kind of plants you choose).

5- Finally, insert the filter sponge into the filter box and tighten it up so that it does not move around while cleaning out algae from inside the filter box itself (this is optional but I recommend doing this step in order to increase the efficiency of filtration system).

6- Turn on the power supply switch and wait until the filtration system starts working properly.

How To Prepare Distilled Water For Aquarium?

The following steps will help you to prepare distilled water for your fish tank:

1- Fill the distilled water container with tap water and let it sit for 24 hours

2- Filter the water through a 1-micron filter to remove any residue.

3- Boil the water for 5 minutes

4- Let it cool down to room temperature

5- Pour the filtered water into your fish tank

6- Add a few drops of aquarium salt to the water

7- Wait a few minutes and check to make sure that there is no cloudiness in your tank

8- Add more distilled water if necessary, until there is no more cloudiness in your tank

9- Add your fish, plants, gravel, and decorations to the aquarium

10- Turn on the pump for about 15 minutes to circulate the water through your filter system

What Are The Other Water Sources?

Here are some other water resources that we use in our daily life:

1- Reverse Osmosis Water

Reverse osmosis water is a type of water that has been filtered through a membrane to remove contaminants. It is often used in coffee makers and teapots, as well as in ice cube makers, to make baby formula and other drinks. However, since RO water doesn’t contain minerals or vitamins, it’s not generally considered healthy to drink unless you have no other choice.

2- Tap Water

Tap water is safe to drink, but it’s not necessarily pure or healthy. Tap water can be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Tap water quality varies by location and season. The biggest threat to tap water is industrial chemicals like nitrates and pesticides that leach into the water supply from runoff in farm fields.

3- Spring Water

Spring water is collected from an underground source, but it’s not actually springing upward. Rather, it’s coming from a spring that has been tapped in some way. Unlike other types of water, spring water tends to be the purest form of H2O available. It doesn’t contain any additives or contaminants and hasn’t been treated with chemicals.

4- Filtered Water

It’s simply water that has been run through a filter to remove impurities. Filtered water can come from a variety of sources, including springs or ground wells. The process varies based on how the water is being treated, but generally speaking, it involves passing it through some kind of filtration system that traps contaminants like bacteria and viruses. (If you’re interested in learning more about this process, click here.)

5- Hard Water

Hard water is the most common type of water, making up about 96% of the world’s supply. Hard water contains calcium and magnesium, which are minerals that give it a “hardness” rating. The hardness level of your water can be determined by running your tap for several minutes and letting it sit overnight; if you see a ring or residue around your faucet in the morning, then you have hard water.

6- Bottled Water

Bottled water is water stored in a plastic bottle. It’s the most popular form of water and can be found at convenience stores and grocery stores everywhere. Bottled water is more expensive than other forms of water, but it’s convenient to carry around and safe to drink without any special treatment or sterilization like you would need for some other forms of unsterilized liquids such as milk or orange juice.

7- Mineral Water

Mineral water is simply water that comes from an underground aquifer (a body of rock or sand through which groundwater flows) that contains naturally occurring minerals. In other words, it’s just regular old H2O with some minerals in it, not unlike what you could get at your local grocery store for much less money.

8- Underground Water

Underground water is found in the ground. It is located below the surface of the earth, beneath the surface of the ground, or beneath the surface of the soil. There are many other ways to use underground water besides just drinking it or using it for your house plants.

9- Deionized Water

Deionized water is purified water that has been freed of all minerals. It’s a non-conductive material, so it can be used in a wide variety of applications. In the scientific community, this type of water is used for conducting experiments and for grinding samples.

Distilled Water Vs Purified Water: Which One Is Better For Fish Tank?

healthy fish tank

Distilled water is considered to be very good for humans but unfortunately, it’s not a good choice for your fish tank. As I mentioned earlier, distilled water lacks minerals and bacteria which are essential for healthy living in a fish tank.

Purified water can be considered slightly better than distilled water because it still contains some minerals and bacteria. However, purified waters do not contain enough minerals for a proper balance in your aquarium ecosystem so you should avoid using them as well if you want to keep your fish healthy and happy.

Spring Water Vs Purified Water: Which One Is Best For Fish Tank?

If you were to take my opinion, spring water is the best choice for aquariums. This type of water has all the elements necessary to help keep your fish healthy, and it’s safe for plants as well. It also helps reduce any stress that your fish may be feeling due to their new environment.

The quality of spring water varies depending on where you’re getting it from, but in general, it’s better than tap or distilled water because spring water is not treated with chemicals like tap and distilled are. However, some people do choose to use purification methods such as reverse osmosis or distillation before using their spring water in an aquarium setting.

If you have access to natural spring water near you then this would be ideal since there aren’t any additional steps needed prior to introducing it into an aquarium setup (other than just letting them sit to room temperature).

Difference Between Mineral Water And Purified Water

Purified water is also known as demineralized or deionized water. It’s been treated with chemicals to remove all minerals from the water, which makes it very pure and safe for use with your aquarium (as we discussed earlier).

Because it doesn’t have any natural minerals in it, purified water isn’t ideal for aquarium use. Fish need certain amounts of these minerals to survive and thrive, so using purified water instead of mineral-rich tap or well-water can cause health problems over time if you don’t supplement their diet with other foods that contain these elements.

Mineral waters are among your best choices for use in a freshwater aquarium because they’re more alkaline than purified water and less acidic than distilled waters. But they’re also more expensive than either type of water. But still, they do tend to be more environmentally friendly since they come from natural sources rather than being processed by machines at factories like distilled or reverse osmosis systems do.

What Is The Best Type Of Water To Use In A Fish Tank?

fish bowl

You have two options:

1- Mineral Water

When it comes to choosing the best water for your fish tank, mineral water is the clear winner. It contains more minerals than distilled and deionized waters and has a pH of 7.8-8.5, which is much more ideal for your fish than deionized or distilled water.

2- Spring Water

If you’re looking for a good alternative to mineral water, then spring water should be your go-to choice for your aquariums’ needs. Springwater also has many benefits over other types of pure waters such as higher concentration of oxygen molecules (8-10 ppm), low amount of impurities (almost undetectable), and most importantly, lower pH levels ranging from 5.5 – 6.0 which is closer to Ideal aquatic environment.

Can I Use Bottled Water For My Fish Tank?

Bottled water is not the best option for your fish tank. It may contain chemicals, minerals, and other substances that can harm your fish. There are also concerns over possible bacterial contamination in bottled water which could lead to disease in your aquarium.


While different water types have their pros and cons, purified water is the better choice of the two (purified and distilled) in this case. It is not just better for fish tanks; it is just a decent choice for aquariums in general. Deionized water might be alright as well, provided that it has all the necessary minerals. It’s also important to note that Mineral and Spring Water are more effective than purified when used for fish tanks. As for distilled water, it should be completely avoided.