Types of Conures: A Detailed Overview & Which is Best for You?

types of conures

Conures are a diverse group of small to medium-sized parrots, beloved for their vibrant colors, playful personalities, and strong bonds with their owners. These birds are popular pets due to their manageable size, engaging nature, and wide variety of species, each with unique characteristics.

In this article, we will explore the different types of conures, categorized by their genera, and provide insights into what makes each species special.

Classification of Conures

Conures are classified into several genera, with the most common being Aratinga and Pyrrhura. These two genera include many of the popular pet conures, known for their colorful plumage and active personalities.

However, conures are not limited to these two groups; other genera such as Psittacara, Leptosittaca, Cyanoliseus, and Enicognathus also contain species with distinct traits and characteristics. Understanding the classification of conures helps in appreciating the diversity within this group of parrots.

Popular Types of Conures

Green-Cheeked Conure (Pyrrhura molinae)

Green-Cheeked Conure

The Green-Cheeked Conure is one of the most popular conure species kept as pets. Known for its playful, affectionate nature and relatively quiet demeanor, this bird is a favorite among bird enthusiasts.

Green-Cheeked Conures are small, typically measuring around 10 inches in length, and come in various color mutations, including turquoise, pineapple, and cinnamon.

Sun Conure (Aratinga solstitialis)

Sun Conure

Sun Conures are renowned for their vibrant, fiery plumage, which includes bright yellow, orange, and red feathers. These medium-sized conures are highly social and active, often displaying playful and sometimes loud behaviors.

Their striking appearance and lively nature make them popular, though their loud calls can be challenging in some households​.

Jenday Conure (Aratinga jandaya)

The Jenday Conure is another colorful species, closely related to the Sun Conure. It features bright orange and yellow plumage with green wings and a tail. Jenday Conures are known for their friendly and interactive behavior, making them excellent companions for those who enjoy an energetic bird.

Nanday Conure (Aratinga nenday)

Nanday Conure

The Nanday Conure, identifiable by its black head and green body, is a striking bird with a loud, piercing call. These birds are social and can be quite vocal, which may be challenging for apartment dwellers.

However, with proper training and interaction, Nanday Conures can become affectionate and engaging pets.

Lesser-Known Conures

Peach-Fronted Conure (Eupsittula aurea)

The Peach-Fronted Conure is a smaller species with a distinctive peach-colored forehead. Known for being easy to train and highly social, these conures are excellent for first-time bird owners.

They have a high-pitched call that is less intense than other conures, making them more suitable for quieter environments​.

Golden Conure (Guaruba guarouba)

Golden Conure

The Golden Conure, also known as the Queen of Bavaria Conure, is one of the most visually striking conure species. With bright yellow plumage and green-tipped wings, these birds are rare and highly sought after.

Golden Conures are less social than other conures and are challenging to find, partly due to their dwindling numbers in the wild​.

Half-Moon Conure (Eupsittula canicularis)

Half-Moon Conure

The Half-Moon Conure, or Orange-Fronted Conure, is a quieter species with an all-green body and an orange forehead. These birds are playful and active, often engaging in mimicry and other entertaining behaviors. Their relatively quiet nature makes them suitable for various living situations.

Rare and Unique Conures

Patagonian Conure (Cyanoliseus patagonus)

The Patagonian Conure, also known as the Burrowing Parrot, is a larger species known for its unique burrowing habits. These conures form strong bonds with their families and are known for their mimicking abilities. They are loyal companions, often becoming attached to multiple family members rather than a single person.

Austral Conure (Enicognathus ferrugineus)

The Austral Conure, also called the Emerald Parakeet, is native to the southernmost regions of South America. These birds are less common in the pet trade but are valued for their peaceful and loyal nature. Austral Conures are not the most vocal species, making them ideal for those who prefer a quieter bird​.

Choosing the Right Conure

When choosing a conure, it’s important to consider both the bird’s personality and care needs. Some species, like the Sun Conure, are known for their loud calls and require significant interaction and space to thrive.

Others, like the Peach-Fronted Conure, are quieter and easier to manage, making them more suitable for first-time bird owners.

It’s also important to think about your living situation and how much time you can dedicate to interacting with your bird. Conures are social animals that need regular mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy​.


Conures are a diverse group of parrots, each species offering unique traits and personalities. Whether you’re drawn to the vibrant colors of the Sun Conure or the quieter demeanor of the Austral Conure, there’s a conure to suit every bird enthusiast’s lifestyle.

By carefully considering your living situation and the specific needs of each species, you can find the perfect conure companion to bring joy and vibrancy into your life.


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